Computer software is pretty cool, and I’m glad I learned a lot of these things. I don’t think I’ll work in computer software ever, but the information I now have will be very useful. I learned that windows 10 has a lot more to it then I thought, and I’m glad I know these things.
I really like hacking, it’s been really cool and fun to learn about it, but I don’t think I’ll ever work in the hacking field. I think that I could live as paranoid as mar Chris, I don’t even know his real last name! I want to live a full and long life, and I don’t think hacking is where I’ll do it. I learned that black hats are bad people who hack for personal gain, gray hats hack for a good reason, without permission, and white hats hack for a good reason, with permission.
Computer hardware is way cooler than I thought. I really like how everything goes together easily, it all makes sense. I think I could rely get into all the computer hardware stuff, I just wish all the acronyms weren’t so silly. I learned that ram, sand for random access memory, I learned that rom stands for read only memory and l learned that most computers don’t have a graphics card.
Computer safety is super useful and I learned allot about it. I learned that a lot of passwords I use aren’t date, and have been hacked before, I learned that if I download virus protections on my computer, it gets easier to keep my computer safe and overall, I’m glad I know these things now.