Ethical Hacking Today we learned about how there are how people whopeople getwho hackedget becausehack because of their weak passwords. There are hackers that have the skills to break into most programs in thirty seconds. There are white hat and black hat hackers, the white hat hacker is like a protagonist and the black hat is a like a villain. Then, the gray hat who is a good person who has got into trouble in his past. The company amazon who was once relentless is owned by the richest man who is trying to take over the world.
Today we learned about the steps of troubleshooting. The steps of troubleshooting are identify the problem, establish theory of probable cause, test the theory, establish plan of action, verify full system functionality, and document your findings. There is a thing called user account control is an access control enforcement facility. Lion is the name of the Mac operating system. Aero is the name of the Windows 8 UI interface.
Hardware Today’s lesson was about the PSU that powers the motherboard. We also learned about bios that tells the motherboard about the jobs it has to do. Two hundred fifty gigabytes equals a quarter of a one terabyte. The Southbridge is the input/output controller for the motherboard. The Northbridge is the memory controller.
Social Engineering
Today we were taught about phishing which is a form of hacking by using a hyperlink in emails. Whailing is a targeting of a CEO. Vishing is a form of tele market or hearing the machine. A hoax is a way to get people’s information by lying telling them false things. Shoulder surfing is a way to get information by snooping over conversation. Spear phishing is like impersonating a company and sending emails to try to get personal information.