On the first day I learned that I can check and see If someone used my password or email on this amazing website called, ‘’HaveIbeenpwned.com. There are different types of hackers like, White hackers the good guys, Gray hackers hack without permission and Black hackers the bad guys they hack for money or fame. You should be careful what you post on any type of social media or some bad hackers might find where you live or where you are.
On the second day of cyber academy, I learned that there are different kind of features on windows and mac OS. I can use windows and control panel to find the name of my computer, where I can change my background, and where I can find ram.
On the third day of cyber academy, I learned about the motherboard and computer hardware. There is a north and south bridge, south is for input/output like the keyboards, videos, and mouse. The north bridge is the memory controller for faster connections like the USB 3.0. The P.S.U stands for Power Supply Unit, B.I.O.S stands for Basic Input Output System, and D.I.M.M stands for Duel Inline Memory Module. I also learned that Dram is processing ram and Vram is for video processing and that the CPU is the brain of the computer.
On the fourth day of cyber academy, I learned that there are different types of social engineering like: phising, spear phising, whailing, vishing, and hoax. Phising is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, Spear Phising is the fraudulent practice of sending emails ostensibly from a known or trusted sender in order to induce targeted individuals to reveal confidential information. Whailing is to target the CEO and other higher targets.
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