Today I learned that hardware is the inner components of a computer. For example the R.A.M or random access memory stores memory and transmits it to the CPU. I also learned what a P.S.I is it is an expansion slot it’s where a graphics card would go. I also learned about the different types of rams like D.D.R, S.O.D.I.M., S.D.R. Also that CPUs have landing pins and the more pins the stronger the CPU. Also what a north and south bridge are the south bridge deals with input and outputs while the north bridge can transmit information to the central processing unit. Also that ROM stands for read only memory. I also learned that almost all forms of modern technology have motherboards and that laptops have specially cut motherboards. Also I learned that if you were to create static electricity and touch a piece of the motherboard it would explode. If you were to touch an electrical circuit while where jewelry you would potentially injure self for example it could potentially fuse to your skin. Also is learned that USB stands for universal serial bus. Today I learned about hacking. I learned about the different kind hacking attacks like script kiddies which are unskilled hackers and hacktivist which are hackers who attack organizations to further their political beliefs. We also talked about the different types of hackers for example grey hats are hackers who do good but go about it the wrong way while white hat hackers are hackers that work for the government and test systems and black hats are criminals. We also learned about a penetration test which test which is where a hacker test a system. These are only a few things we learned about hacking with the teacher. Today I learned about Windows operating systems also the Linux and the Mac operating system. Some of which are Ubuntu for Linux and Mountain Lion for Mac. We also learned about an RJ cable that connects a landline to the windows XP. Also we learned about clean instillation and inplace upgrade. Also I learned that windows 10 has a Windows XP mode. On Thursday I learned about social engineering. We were taught about an instance where someone walked around New York buying stuff with blank pieces of paper at a fish market the cashier gave him change. Then the guy bought a 4,500 dollar ring with blank paper. After that video we saw a video about a man selling rocks he found in a parking lot as rocks that helped a person’s balance. We were also taught about how dangerous it can be because if you’re good at it you can make people do anything you want.