RFK Solutionz
Peyton Wright
Day 1
Today we learned about Software in depth about Trouble Shooting, Safety rules, Window Instillations, and Operating Systems. There are steps that you need to follow including: identifying the problem, establishing a theory of probable cause, Test the theory, establish a plan -of action, verifying full system functionality, and lastly Document your findings. The system we use to remember these steps are “I Eat Twix Every Valentine’s Day”. The Second thing we learned today is Safety rules. These are the steps you need to do, Squat to pick up equipment, be aware of weight limitation, be aware of electrical fires, wear safety goggles, air filtered mask and secure lose cables. Window Instillations we learned about charms, window defender, bit locker, user account control, windows, and one drive windows. Today was very fun and educational.
Day 2
Today Mr. Doug Streit came in to teach us about ODU and what it has to offer about cyber security. We learned that PII stands for Personally Identified Information. DMCA is an illegal copyright program. We had great questions and we got in our groups afterwards. We learned about hardware, today hardware is the frame work or structure. The first things that we learned was the Motherboards and it stands for the main board. We also learned that for the safety rules are like the same as software the only difference is that the hair length has to be put up so it doesn’t get in the way of the system. The other dangerous thing is drawstrings. Some notes I took on the lesson is that static electricity is a high level, esd straps used to stop electricity, what you also have to do is disconnect the power after using the device and the weight limit on how much you can lift. EMI is Electro Magnetic Interference. BIOS is the basic input output system. RAM is Read Only Memory. DIMM is the Dual in Line memory model.
Day 3
Today Mr. Rimmer taught us about hacking and different types of hackers. They have different colors there are white hats, grey hats, and black hats. The white hats always has permission to hack any system or website. The grey hats are the ones they think they are the white hats, but they do not have permission of everyone’s permission. The black hats do not have any type of legal permission or any permission at all. There are different types of teams also there is the red team, blue team, white team, and purple team. The red team is evil they hack your systems to get your information. The blue team are the defenders, they are waiting to be attacked and waiting to stop the hackers. The white team is the score keeper, they are the neutral ones. The last and final team is the purple team they attach and defend, they are a combination of both red and blue. The pentation test is you get hired to find weaknesses. The white box test is that it gave all information and pretending to be employee and got all access. The black box test is that you don’t have any information. The grey box test is that you have in between information. I think that out of all the things that we learned and processed I think that hacking is my most favorite subject out of hardware and software.
Day 4
Today we had a guest speaker Mrs. Stephany came in to talk to us about social engineering. She was asking us questions about what we wanted to do when we got older. After the guest speaker left, we went outside and played a game to get untangled. Our lesson today was we were talking about how to defend your company. Here are some of the topics of what you should do. Learn what information should/should not be shared with everybody, don’t share passwords, learn to recognize suspicious behavior, a clean desk policy. We also learned spam filters, networking burner control, and they gave security cameras and alarm systems and system loggers that can catch intruders and can’t talk their way through it. Today was very educational and very inspiring. My experience at RFK Solutionz was very educational and I have learned a lot from this past week.