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Noah Sears

· Today I learned about the mother board and how to put it together. I learned about the graphics cards also different parts of the keyboard, the ram, and CPU. Dr. Wu, professor at ODU, told us about the apps locations waves in our phones. The next day I learned about 60 VM servers in production, PPRD 900 virtual severs, 116 physical and GDPR, FERPA, HIPAA, DMCA. I learned about a snip kitty privacy awareness government. On Thursday, Mr. Chris taught on ethical hacking. I was educated about computer software, pro-quo phishing, baiting and a preventing program called docuet5. Lastly, I became knowledgeable about program review, program champion, privacy and rom stands for read only memory.

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Reflection Day 1 Today I learned Trouble Shooting Theory, Safety Rules, and Windows, Mac, and Linux Features and Tools. In Trouble Shooting Theory, there are steps that you need to follow if you run i

Warrick DeGroft

Computer software is pretty cool, and I’m glad I learned a lot of these things. I don’t think I’ll work in computer software ever, but the information I now have will be very useful. I learned that wi

Tobias Matthews

I learned a lot of stuff like about people who make computers. Also how computers work I was surprised how big a mother board is. Today was a fun day I thought I was going to be boarded but I was not.

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