Makayla Wilson
Today is the first day of cyber security camp todays topic was on software dealing with software we learned different things for example malware bites, spam filters, electromagnetic interference, random access memory, esd strap and so much more. We also learned that when you are working with a computer and are fixing them you have to disconnect the power, remove jewelry, use proper hand tools, always be aware of electrical fires. We also learned about aero, windows xp mode, windows defender, user account control, bit locker. Today we had a Special visitor named Mr.Micheal wu who came in today to talk to us about what he does he is a electrical and computer engineer he has talked to us so much that I cant believe that there are so much more to cyber security than I thought and it was very interesting how much I learned I will take all this information and definitely use it in my future .
Today is the second day of cyber security camp todays topic being on hardware I learned about the mother board, Graphic card, rom, cmos, bios and so much more. Today we also had a guest speaker named Mr. Doug streit came to talk to us about cyber security he told us about what kind of information does his job protect. They protect passwords, social security, and student information. Mr. Doug had a whole presentation for us on one of the slides it said what applications does he protect he protects black boards, administrative system and personal, word press, human resources, labs and desks.
Today is the third day todays lesson being on hacking with Mr. Chris. Today we learned about so much it was incredible we learned what a white hat hacker was which is a good hacker. We also learned that there are different teams like red teams, blue teams, and purple teams go with the white hats. There is a such thing called a white box test which basically the company gives you all the information you need. The black box needs no information to see how much they can find out. Also, we had two guest speakers both from the military they were very helpful with learning more about cyber security and their jobs which are very important. I am so grateful that they came in to talk to us about hacking.
Today is day four at the cyber security camp. Today’s lesson was on social engineering we learned so much today that I didn’t even know a lot of things. For example, phishing, scarcity, urgency, consensus, authority, hoax, familiarity. There are different types of social engineering phishing, baiting, pretexting, diversion theft. Social engineering can not be blocked by technology. The military requires training, security plus certification and top-secret security. Finally, we learned about geo tagging , geo tagging is the process of adding identification to photographs, video , websites and SMS messages .