Day 1
I learned how easy it is to hack a password. People can get 100’s of accounts every second. I am going to go home and teach my parents how to protect themselves from hackers. I learned the different pen test. The white box pen test is when the hacker has all the information, and the company is trying to figure out how much damage they can do to their data base. A black box test is when they have no information at all, and they have to hack into the company data base. Gray box testing is when the hacker has one or two passwords, and has to try and hack into the data base.
Day 2
I learned about the different types of Operating Systems. There is IOS, Windows, Linux, and many more. We learned about the many Window features, an example is AERO, Aero stands for Authentic Energetic Reflective Open.
Day 3
I learned about hardware. Hardware is the components that the software tells to what to do. A few examples of this would be RAM, ROM, the motherboard, CPU, and many more things. RAM stands for Random Access Memory, and it serves as temporary storage for processes so that they go to the processor to accept your request. ROM stands for Read Only Memory, and is permanent memory that can only be read, not changed. The motherboard has a lot of hardware on it, including the RAM and RAM as well as the CPU, which stands for Central Processing Unit, which processes information and then sends it back to you so that your input actually happens.
Day 4
During one of our class secessions, I learned that social engineering is psychological manipulation of people into preforming a task that you want them to do. An example of social engineering is gaining someone’s trust to get information out of them that they wouldn’t give you otherwise, and it’s called “familiarity”. We did bingo today and I was very close to winning but I lost because Randomness is awesome.