Day 1
Today at cyber camp I learned a lot about applications on pc and mac. We learned about stuff like OneDrive, windows store, sidebar, windows xp mode, etc. we mostly talked about software today. Dr Michael Lou came in from the odu university cyber camp and talk to us about open jobs in cyber security.
Day 2
Today we learned a lot about hardware. We learned about acronyms like b.i.o.s- basic input output system, R.a.m- random access memory, B.o.m- bead only memory. o.i.m.m- dual inline memory module, etc.
Day 3
Today we learned about hacking. 3 things I found interesting was, 1- we learned about red white and blue hat hackers. The blue hat hackers are the good hackers and they hack for companies or the government. Red hat hackers are the bad hackers and hack for self wants or just to do something bad for fun. Grey hat hackers are hackers hacking for a good reason but doing it illegally. They have good intentions just don’t have intentions.
day 4
Today we learned about social engineering and how people can easily be fooled. Different types are like on the phone and email, and in real life.