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Elissa Means

Today is 7/29/2019 learned that PSU stands for Power Supply Unit. I also learned about Graphics Card which is a part of the mother board. It will help me with my day care with my security. It will help with my security because I will know how to work it and how to manage it an how to make sure we are secure and nobody is trying to kidnap kids and stuff like that .I also learned about the R.A.M Random access memory . The rom read only memory. cpu stands for central processing unit. I.t is information technology. The Mother board is the main part of the computer is the mother board. Rams look like slot cards you but into a slot holder a click it. Today we also put different parts of the mother board together and took it apart we also learned about the south bridge with the graphics we worked in groups when we had to put the mother board apart and we had to talk about what they did we also to a quiz to see what type of engineer we were I was an electrical engineer which actually I think fits me but when dr.wo was here I remember him saying he worked at odu which stands for old Damion university and he was over the cyber classes today 7/30/2019 that there are 24,000 students at odu and that there are 4,400 faculty and staff and that there are 6 colleges that they own I also learned that there 3 types of hackers white gray and black a white hat hacker acts as a black hat hacker too attack your system to find all the ways they hacked you and help you out gray has are hackers that are not good or bad they are hackers that are helping without permission. Penetration system is being hired to find the vulnerabilities I learned about the different teams white hats red teams are the bad people/hackers the blue teams are the defenders awaiting to be attacked and teaches white team referees purple team attack and defend and teaches you how to fix it both red and blue live engineering is when you convince a friend that would help you fix their computer people inherently want to trust you and want to believe someone that just wants to be helpful. Fixed minor problems on the computer and secretly installed remote control software. Now you have total access to their computer through ultravnc viewer. The quick pro quo something for something is called phishing fraudulently attaining private information is called baiting real world trogon horse is called pretexting invented scenano is called diversion theft the types of attacks are /pen testing are white boxes company gave you all info so they see how associates act black boxes don’t have any info so they have gathered to see what they have gathered and gray boxes only have partial information. Phishing is when you send a email out to mass amount of people and when someone clicks on link they are infected. Spear phishing is throwing a target at a specific person or organization. Whaling is when you are targeting bigger people like ceos and elos. Vishing is voice calling someone and targeting them. Vizl hijacking or typasquatting is attacker registers domain names. Shoulder surfing is walking pass someone and look over at something their working on. Tail gating is slipping behind someone when smooching. Piggy back riding is known as person Bernard and you put in your way. Dumpster diving is when you learn what info is somehow you should know. Never ever share your password

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