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Donna Pierre

Writer: CyberAcademyCyberAcademy

Day 1

So, I learned that Va is the second highest in demand for cyber jobs because of the government being in north Va. The mother board has many parts but a computer cannot function without one. A CPU is a central process unit which is basically a nucleus for the computer which a piece in the motherboard. A VPN is a virtual private network which is the dark net so it’s harder to trace things that are done up there due to the open circuit and whatnot so it’s very hard to be traced with is how human traffic is done. I also learned not wear jewelry when working on a computer or else I well be hurt very badly. Fun fact Ant-man could fit inside of a CPU because he can just become that small: D! inside of a mother board you also have RAM which is a random access memory which is basically a school bus it tales information from the keyboard and back to the keyboard when needed but, when the power goes out all of that memory is erased! There are only 10,000 pin combinations which means as long as a good hacker has the time that means they can write a program that can go through all 10k of them while they on with their lives. Which is why it’s important not to put your PII as a password or pin because it is easily accessible as long as you use any type of social media once your information is on the wed it cannot be taken off it is up therefore your everlasting life, Which is pretty unfortunate but just try to keep your personal information as safe as possible. A PSU is a power supply unit due to my lack of attention because of my stomach today I forgot what exactly a PSU is. Every four years technology is advanced because specialists in the field research and learn new ways to improve technology. I also learned the RFK gives good breakfast and lunch for us kids. In addition I obtained the info that Stephen Hawkins is a theoretical physicist, cosmetologist and author who had ALS known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and he still became a billionaire aside from the fact that he was slowly paralyzed as he got older which brings me back to one of my favorite quotes: “why is the sky the limit when there are footprints on the moon?”. I also learned that there are lots of kids within my group today that plays roblox so I politely asked them to follow me because I’m trying to get my follow’s up anywho let’s not get off topic here. Mr. Carl built and caught his very first computer on fire when he was 11 I think it was and I’m guessing that it was a very memorable experience because he mentioned it a few times during our lesson. DDR is double data rate is the way the RAM aka the random access memory is how it sends data every millisecond but instead of sending one is sends two at a time so that’s why its called DDR. Well that’s all for today folks, I’ll be back tomorrow with some more information that I’ve learned: D.

Day 2

I’m back at it again ladies and gents! So today I was in a class with Mr. Chris and I’m very happy he was able to teach us today I enjoyed his class a lot and I’m positively sure he’ll be the reason why I come back for years to come if he isn’t retired by then. Anywho today Mr. Chris taught us what white hats, gray hats and black hats are. A white hat is basically the police officer of the internet; a grey hat is a good guy but they do things the wrong way which means that they’re good guys they just do bad things in the wrong way; last but not least we have the black hats whom are just straight up bad there’s no way around it they are the bad guys period. Oof so yeah um that’s that. Anywho Apt is advanced persistent threat, ongoing series of sophisticated attacks which means that they get the job done in a nice and clean way so yeah. Then there are the types of hackers, so we have the script kiddies: the unskilled hackers, the hacktivists: hackers whom attack organizations to further a political or ideology message. Soooooo they basically hack things so they can prove a point sort of like propaganda in some cases. It’s safer not to put your PII as your password so yeah. We also have organized criminals who are basically hackers seeking financial gain so they’re just looking for money since they’re lazy and ignorant enough to decide that they’re going to live off of someone else’s hard work. Then we have the insider threat which are employees or former employees that hack into a company’s personal info and sell it for lost and lots of money which is awful but what can I say it’s the world we live in. Some hacker’s intent is to specific resources or information and others just want to deny or destroy information. In my opinion I feel like most hackers are malicious. Sophistication what a wonderful terminology! Soma attackers require physical proximity, while others have access to powerful materials. I think being a hacker would be a wonderful job to have but I do want to eventually have kids and get married and what not so I do not wish to do something that prevents me from doing those thing in the future to keep them safe so I will not be a hacker but I have to admit it is quite and exciting career. I also think Mr. Chris made me enjoy it even more because of the way he teaches and how we can all give our feedback and answer question and everyone was participating and had their own input and no one fell asleep it was great again I’m very glad he got to teach us today. That’s all for today’s reflection!

Day 4

I apologize for skipping the 3rd day I only skipped it because I had an orthodontist appointment and I had to leave early. Therefore, I didn’t remember all the information and did forgot to bring my notes. The day before and today which is the very last day of camp and I am kind of disappointed because I did enjoy myself here meeting all the kids and consolers. Hopefully I’ll be able to come back next year, so let’s get right into my reflection shall we? Yesterday we covered the topic of social engineering which is telling someone to do something without the person realizing that they actually did it and to me it’s a scary in a thing and or concept. We learned about zero day and how some zero days contain 20 more zero days within them and they are very rare. This entry might be a little short because there is a movie playing and there’s popcorn being made so. Any who I learned about how you cannot protect yourself from zero days and they look for certain targets very dangerous one can be sold on the dark net for up to 100,000 dollars. Crazy right? I know. We learned about safe and unsafe websites and if the website has a lock its safe if it doesn’t isn’t safe and you can get pop up ads and get a virus on your computer. I’m really glad I had that experience very thankful as well this is the very last reflection everyone hope you enjoyed reading about my amazing experience at rfk!

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