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Daniella Pierre

Today I learned about computer hardware, we primarily focused on the motherboard. The components of the motherboard consist of cpu(central processing unit), R.A.M,Z.I.F,L.G.A ,Usb, atx ports,ddr ,Ethernet port ,power cord ,sta,and the psu .The ram is kind of like a school bus that takes the data from the computer to the cpu and then it takes the data back to the monitor which is like the bus taking you to school then it brings you back which is how you get to sites and games on the computer. The CPU calculates and processes the information that is given from the ram. Then there is a Z.I.F which is means zero input force .The usb port stands for universal serial bus. A graphic port is what puts color on your screen, sound in your computer, and it is also what allows your keyboard to write; this might sound crazy but did you know what you type actually passes through you mother board before it appears on the screen. When it takes a while for your computer to load that means it is a little difficult for your CPU to read your signal. It’s just like a book, when the font is too small it takes longer to read it but if you have bigger font you finish the book faster also learned about odes cybersecurity programs from our guest speaker Dr.wu .I learned how cybersercurity courses have nothing to do with computer science or computer engineering. A common misconception is that computer science and computer engineering go hand and hand with cybersecurity when really if you take those course for an cyber security job you would be qualified but clueless also learned one of the biggest issues with cybersecurity is cyber awareness .Many people are unaware or just plain ignorant when it comes to cybersecurity and protecting their devices they just don’t know what is safe ;especially when a bootlegged version of the real thing appears it looks the same but it is free if you didn’t know any better what would you do ? Due to that a lot of people spend thousands of dollars on computers a month because of the computer scams.

Today I learned hacking with Mr. Chris. If learned the different types of hackers. First there is a white hat hacker, they are security experts who study and practice hacking, but they only use it for legal purposes. The second type of hacker is the grey hat hacker which is a hacker who not really a black nor white hacker. The last type of hacker is the black hat hackers, who are criminal hackers who break the computer security for personal gain or other malicious purposes. The true definition is tweaking something or changing the purpose; which is basically getting to the fact that hacking is not only on the computer .Another type of non-electronic hacking is called social engineering which is the basic art of persuasion. There are also different stages of hacking as well. The first level is are script riddles which are unskilled hackers who find skills on YouTube and books. Hacktivist are hackers who attack organizations to further as political ideological message. Organized criminals are criminal hackers seeking financial gain. Competitors are unethical business attempts attacks on competitor. Insider Employees or former employees. Nation State is when many nations today employ intelligence agencies and dedicated cyberwar organizations.


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