Cyber Academy Reflection

At RFK Solutionz Cyber Security camp, we went over four topics: Hardware, Software, Security, and Hacking. The first lesson of the week was Hardware, the physical component that makes up a computer’s internal functions. I learned that the hardware called CPU, Computer Process Unit, is the second important piece of hardware because it stores and performs complex instructions that’s inputted and outputted from the system programs. The second lesson of the week was Software, the digital series of programs and operating info of a computer. The different types of software operating systems are Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. I learned that Linux is more available for use without restrictions than what Windows and Mac OS has in store. The third lesson of the week was Security, the form of protection from physical, and cyber-attacks. I learned that revolving doors were used as man traps in some local and private facilities to prevent any unauthorized personal from entering the building. The last lesson of the week was Hacking, the use of a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system. I learned that in a pin test job information on the target could be either fully disclosed, partially known, or unknown: White box, Grey box, or Black box.
This camp was filled with games and activities that not only taught us about hardware, software, security, and hacking, but also leadership skills and the perks of collaborating with a group. I loved every activity given to us because it helps us critically think more about the topic we previously learned. Just like when after we finished three lessons over the passed four days, we remade our own version of Family Feud and played it till we couldn’t come up with any questions that corresponds with what we already went over.
If I applied for an IT job, I would be a pin tester because finding ways to gain information on companies by physical and digital hacking. Pin testing is also widely needed as the future advancement of technology happens every day. If I didn’t apply for an IT job, I would have focused a lot more with light engineering than computer science. Light engineering involves me to design or install lighting in many buildings and the environment.
After this long week of fun activities and obtaining information, I can assure that this program is essential to a career of IT work. I would have gladly come back again, but I will be attending college and I will be using this given opportunity to reflect on what I want to major in college. I wish the best for my teachers of this camp and for the future camp attendees.